“Psalm 23…Redux”
By Carla A. Grosch-Miller
This I know:
my life is in Your hands.
I have nothing to fear.
I stop, breathe, listen.
Beneath the whirl of what is
is a deep down quiet place.
You beckon me to tarry there.
This is the place where unnamed hungers are fed,
the place of clear water, refreshment.
My senses stilled, I drink deeply,
at home in timeless territory.
In peril, I remember:
Death’s dark vale holds no menace.
I lean into You; Your eternal presence comforts me.
I am held tenderly.
In the midst of all that troubles,
that threatens and diminishes,
You set abundance before me.
You lift my head; my vision clears.
The blessing cup overflows.
This I know:
You are my home and my hope,
my strength and my solace,
and so shall You ever be.
These words speak to me right now…words of home and hope, of strength and solace, of comfort and abundance, of refreshment and blessing. They are inspired by the familiar and beloved 23rd Psalm, reimagined for our time, and fitting for this time of re-opening after Covid.
Sixteen months ago, we sent out our first issue of Weekly Words, seeking to find ways for us to connect, console and encourage one another while we had to remain apart. It now seems like a good time to bring this particular ministry to a close. We will soon begin sending out The Tie again, and we are now gathering for worship on Sunday mornings (if you have been vaccinated, masks are optional; if not, we encourage you to wear them). As for our faith, it shall ever be.
With words of gratitude beyond measure, I thank you for staying with us to share this journey. And in your own time, in good time, in God’s time, I’ll see you in church…
Pastor Claudine